what is .Far?
.Farfarello is a strange creature hailing from the frozen tundra. Found on the high seas only during the winter months, he otherwise spends his days lazing about hospitals in a desperate search for more rum.And cats. Got to have a good mouser on a ship dotchaknow to keep that rat population down.
And music. Gotta have a good beat for them thar slave drummer beaters.
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Good luck with your project.
-gets into stalker mode-
tho im only 20 myself. but i see myself still here @ 30 XD
i ask so i can stalk you obv.
and wow that's a looooooong drive
I DID get to see DIR EN GREY twice though on their first and second solo U.S. tours.
The last two times they skipped Florida altogether and I was angry.
Next time they come back to the U.S. I WILL SEE THEM lol, since they are my favorite band. >w<
It was like 3 years ago now I think. I went to see D'espairs Ray mostly, and ended up discovering MUCC & The Underneath at the same time.