Das ******** <3

Faps Furiously's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/12

Own All The Vests!!!

It is my quest to own all of the vest items on gaia, probably starting with the Juvenile and Louie vests.

Some may not already know this so I'm gonna clear it up right the ******** now. I have a huge vest fetish. I ******** love vests and they get me all hot and bothered. I don't know why and I really don't care.
Do you find that weird/creepy/disgusting/TMI? Too ******** bad. ^_~

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle

Mien Tumblr

Warning: This contains a lot of gay porn, though not exclusively. Front page will always be SFW and so will other pages. Links out will most likely NOT be SFW
This is the new blog with ONLY my work. Nothing has been re-blogged but you are welcome to reblog my work if you like.

Click for Tumblr


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Gaia used to be my short escape from my monetary problems. Now it shoves them in my face and laughs.[/align:8fba5d67ba][img:8fba5d67ba]http://oi59.tinypic.com/2qvf6he.jpg[/img:8fba5d67ba]


Dem peepin toms C:<

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