Registered: 06/21/2009
Gender: Female
[img:3dd07cf8a5] images/neko-1.jpg[/img:3dd07cf8a5]
Likes:strawberrys, anime/manga, games, toys, movies, and animals
Doesn't Like: being alone, fighting, the dark
personality:shy, happy, kind, and bubbly
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And aww!! Congrats!
smile we are planning to marry by the end of the year
Arent bothering much with celebrations though omg too much haha
We wanna have 2-3kids preferably boys smile
Aww smile i hope you can adopt when your ready!
Boy or girl? Are you planning to adopt young or slightly older kid?
Ugh i love driving but ima speed demon he refuses to let me drive him around lol
I dont anger easily though XD
Ugh gotta go back to work was on break smile
So happy to hear your doing well smile and congrats! biggrin
Sini honey how you doin?
Im kicking a** like always lol
Moved to pa to be with love
Still working for walmart
Got my liscense and driving a cute little volks jetta ^ ^
smile i know right?
I can pm you my number so you can text?
Or add me on FB if you have it i dont use it much but you can IM me through it anytime using messenger
I dont get notices on profile comments here :/ just PMs when i go on the app!
So happy i actually logged on for once smile saving for a new laptop my bdays coming up so love might help me get it lol
Ill get on more if i do get it smile
Hay hon~
Long time to...erm.....XD email? XD idk
:3 hows life treating you dear?
In about 7 years I made this account
in all that time I have nvr really been in towns
I have been hanging around there messing with ppl and giving directions
DX its sooo boring!The music of the forest club and rock n roll area are all I come for now
How do ppl do it?! XD
so well say an hour or somthing XD
I got about 6hrs till bed time
So ill check round 6 lol and i'll be on after 6 so whenevers