
FallingMuffin's avatar

Last Login: 11/11/2015 11:13 am

Registered: 07/13/2007

Gender: Female

Location: New Jersey

Birthday: 12/01

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My name is Marnina.

I'm sixteenyears young.
My birfday is December first.
My favorite color is red.
I like to draw and stuff.
I'm pretty nice in my opinion.
I always want to help.
Honestly, I'm lazy to really think my 'about me' through.
Awkwarrrd, I don't know what else to say.
Talk to mee, I don't bite. (:

My Tumblr :3

The Black Keys- Howlin For You


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ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 02/17/2011 6:30 pm
She knows what I look like too. I'm glad she didn't break up with me when she saw me. I feel ugly yet she says I look cute.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 02/17/2011 6:16 pm
Hahahaha. Thanks. She makes me so happy. Before her, I was planning on suicide. Taking an overdose on sleeping medication. But she saved me. When she finally told me she loved me, that fixed my broken heart. That's all I wanted, just love.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 02/17/2011 6:00 pm
IT happened last month. Turns out that we've both loved each other for the same amount of time. We were just too afraid of the reaction of the other.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 02/17/2011 5:37 pm
Well, I have a new girlfriend now. Life's okay I guess. I started smoking in November and just recently quit because of her. I'm glad to hear you're okay despite that incident with your friend.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 02/17/2011 5:21 pm
Hey. Haven't seen you on in ages. How are you?
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 11/10/2010 10:45 am
I'm trying to get better. One step at a time.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 11/10/2010 3:55 am
No. I don't love me ex anymore. She just drove me to the brink of insanity and actually drove me to attempt suicide twice. I love her cousin. I truly do. She's been one of my closest friend since 4th Grade. I had the chance to ask her out before all of this crazy s**t happened and I never did. Instead, I chose the anti-social one. The one that doesn't give a s**t about life in the outside world.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 11/09/2010 2:51 pm
Yeah. But it's weird because about a month ago, I got into a huge fight with her cousin. I made her pretty much hate me, all for a relationship that wasn't going to last. I feel terrible for that. But, at leat we're friends again and at least I finally came out and told her that I loved her.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 11/09/2010 1:08 pm
I tried to explain my problems to her and she would just laugh it off or try to change the subject. I don't understand. And she wonders why I was so depressed all the time? It was because of sh*t like that. I felt alone. My ONLINE friends talk to me and seem to love me more than my real life friends. Also, I kinda did something that was really awkward for me. Don't get me wrong, I loved my ex-girlfriend and I would never cheat on her but, I kinda told her cousin that I loved her yesterday. You know, more than a friend.
ComradeCommissar1945 Report | 11/08/2010 9:32 pm
She broke up with me for, and I quote, my "depressive behavior." Don't get me wrong, every time I saw her, I was so happy. I loved her so much it was just, she never called me. She never even bothered to send me a message over the internet saying that she loved me or anything like that. That is what triggered my depressive behavior. Feeling ignored and unloved. And then I started cutting to take my emotional pain away. All I wanted was a little love and attention.


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Killed A Toothbrush Cuz I Love To Snort Cocaine.
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