About Me
wahmbulance WARNING TO ALL FELLOW GAIANS! wahmbulanceThe information below is a quite extensive summary detailing my personality which may potentially consume minutes of your time! However if you don't care or have nothing better to do, feel free to continue reading...
Hi, I'm Gio! I'm 18 (and yes I still use gaia).
I love a broad variety of things which I would never have the time to say everything so here's a little bit of detail:
-I'm currently in college (going for a Masters)
- I'm a great market analyst
-I'm a Computer Science Major
-I know a lot about religions, and mythologies o.O (book knowledge for the most part)
- I love almost any type of food (I try to keep an open mind and tongue when it comes to food I've never tried)
- I am in absolute love with water (anything from beaches to olympic pools to showers)
- I take 30 minute showers because I love being in water
- I hate rain because to me it resembles death (I've actually written a poem about that)
As interesting of a person I am, I'm really grateful for the life I have and even though it may not be perfect I wouldn't wish it any other way. If you'd like to get to know me feel free to do so by leaving a comment or even sending me a PM. I enjoy conversing with others (after all we are humans so why not learn about each other?).
I hope that made you feel like you know me more now.
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Thanks for the buy hun! emotion_kirakira
im somewhat interested in your nightmare items
would you be interested in making a deal for both of them?