kpop♥Hi my name is Eric.
I'm a boy (with a girl avatar)
I'm 17 years old and I look like I'm younger~
I gaia to RP
I'm an only child
I'm going to go to Stony Brook to major in Asian Studies (and I'm not even asian!)
Ryeowook, Sooyoung, Victoria, Minho, and Jihyun are my biases
Individually, I really love BoA
I like rpgs
I like cats, pasta, and touhou
I'm kinda shy but easy to get to know
I usually speak my mind
I'm also quiet, but that's just because I have nothing to say. Not cause I'm angry or anything...
I will never share drinks with people who have moustaches, ever.
I'm afraid of spiders and stomach aches.
I like to learn lots of s**t about history and paranormal and stuff
I don't regret anything!!
I like reading.
I'm not very athletic, but I do like volleyball.
I like all the seasons
I like to bake
I'm kind of ditzy, moreso in real life than e-life
I was born on 9/4/94 (9494, neat-o!)
If you want to ask me something then I guess I'll answer.
Thanks for reading, if you did!