hiya! You can call me andrea, your one-stop shop for everything strange and exciting! I'm an otaku (as you can probably tell) but i like everything from bikeriding to reading to canoeing to plotting revenge on my enemies...-.-...anyway!!!!!! Heres some random information about me that has no importance whatsoever on your life!!!!Favourite food: tacos (and yet, there are so manny others...)
Favourite color: red! (blood...muahahaha!)
Favourite anime: i cant choose XP!!!
Favourite saying surprised h watermelon seeds!
Favourite game: checkers
Worst fear: being normal (no problem there...)
Most hated emeny: The jepordy dude
Least favourte food: onions (blah!)
Well, there it is, enjoy your lives you ignorant masses!!!
HAIL ILLPALAZZZZZZO! citizens! never fear! crazy do-good freaks are here!
cosplay i've done:
Naga the Serpent form Slayers:

Mirielle Bouquet frum Noir

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Oh pretty good, yours?
Actually, all my plans got moved around for this weekend. So I'm busy tonight D: