My Super Awesome List Of Songs!!!

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EunhyukeunhyukloveR's avatar

Last Login: 07/02/2013 11:52 am

Registered: 01/13/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/05

one love


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hey ppl! this iz the place i put all about me.and thats where i tell u all about me.

fav boy band:SuPeR jUnIoR
fav boy in fav boy band: heart EuNhYuK heart
fav color:purple

fav cartoon:Tom & Jerry

fav dog breed:maltese-shi tzu

fav candy:juicey fruit gum

fav T.V. channel:nicklodeon

fav subject in skool:tutoring (morning)

fav thing to do at skool razz .E.

fav drink:sprite soda

fav time to do on weekends:watch T.V. and play on computer

fav book:kitchen princess

fav room to stay in:my room

fav clothes to wear:whatever i think of

fav movie:AVATAR (Na'Vi)

fav food:chicken leg

fav type of music:K-PoP

fav song biggrin on't Don(Super junioR)

fav place to be with family razz hantom of the Opera Operahouse

fav video game:resistance

fav game systme:ps3

fav casino: The Venetian

fav holiday:halloween

and well thats all about me. smile

sweatdrop heart PlZzZzZ help me get some gold so that i can be complete and that you can make my heart feel super happy! heart sweatdrop

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even my avi plzz!!?

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Total Value: 791,996 Gold
After Exclusions: 693,150 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Blue Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Blue Stripes Bottom Tattoo
Blue Solar Flare Back Tattoo
Blue Eye Stripe Tattoo
Seracila Pendant 6th Gen.
Oni Set
Blue Body Dye
the great mochi

hu am i . im you future