
Name: Ethan Oiche
Age: 25 years old
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160lbs
Likes: Reading, flirting, his family, photography, nature
Dislikes: Loneliness, pain, sadness
Sexuality: Pansexual
Sex: Male
Race: Half human/ half elf
Abilities: Some spells and magic. In tune with nature.
Jobs: Unemployed atm
Bio: Ethan and his twin sibling Seth were separated at the age of 11, after being orphaned at birth. Seth went to England to boarding school and Ethan wandered the world.
Personality: Ethan is at times extremely shy and at others he's an incorrigible flirt. He takes on the role of caretaker and nurtures anyone who needs it. He's also a complete clutz, just like his twin.
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Drink: Iced Green Tea
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Music: Everything!
Looks: Recently his bright orange hair has grown to his lower back. His eyes are a bright blue and his pale skin is covered in freckles.

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I'm trying to be not so shy, so if I start seeming like the epitime of confidence or....seme-ness....know it's just an act. I'm probably blushing at my boldness... I'm trying!! -blush-


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Ethan Oiche's Shmexiness


Every piece of Avi art I recieve will go in here.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 08/01/2014 8:56 am

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Nii-sa! Enji-kun is back! Now you need to come back too!
His Bobble

Report | 05/02/2012 6:16 pm

His Bobble

Thanks. Uhh. It's not complete yet. xD
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 04/28/2012 9:07 pm

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Big brother~
You're finally on!
I've missed you so much!
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 04/28/2012 5:33 pm

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

cool avi
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 01/20/2012 10:47 am

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

-sigh- I really miss you nii-sa....
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 10/04/2011 3:20 pm

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Happy birthday brother. I miss you. :3
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 11/29/2010 2:15 pm

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

-gasp- You were online and I didn't know! NUUUUU! -dies inside- I miss jou~
Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Report | 04/13/2010 4:24 pm

Chef Zeke LeDeltrie

Hey brother.. I really miss you. A lot's happened since you've been gone...

Report | 01/10/2010 7:13 am


Can you draw manga? If yes, are you interested in earning Gaia gold for drawing manga?

Report | 02/16/2009 9:04 pm


No worries, sweetie! I know you're super busy! Who isn't, really? The only reason I have time for Gaia is I can't do much while nursing Xan! User Image


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