Erique von Finsternis

Erique von Finsternis's avatar

Last Login: 01/31/2011 3:52 am

Registered: 07/26/2006

Gender: Male


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About me..Hmm...

*I don’t like myself…
*I self-inflict...
*I am always perceived as silent, strict, and serious (the 3 S’s) but I think I'm not.
*I'm 5'9, and people bug me into playing basketball but I don't know how, and I'm tired of trying and failing...
*I love chocolates in any form...I eat it because it tastes good, not because it has chemicals that make a person happy. I never got happier anyway...I also love fruits but I hate vegetables. Nevertheless, I still swallow them.
*People find it weird, but I don’t eat ice cream if it’s not melted.
*I love music—listening to it, making it, teaching it…It makes me forget my problems for a while.
*I love My Chemical Romance and the Pussycat Dolls equally…woot!
*I love performing onstage. I become a very different person when I do that. They say I’m totally raunchy and dirty when I dance and sing, and I guess that’s what makes me different.
*I could do a standing split.
*I love animals and stand up for their rights, but I don’t like keeping pets coz I get too busy and I forget to take care of them.
*I am a good friend if you meet my qualifications…lol.
*I cry a lot, but very few people have seen me doing it.
*I am VERY hard to please, but I am VERY considerate coz I easily get guilty.
*I am empathetic.
*I easily get discouraged.
*I’m scared of being introduced to new people in person…I freak out inside and get tongue tied! I love meeting new people thru mail though...hehe.
*I'm sick and tired of schooling but I still do my best coz my parents are working hard for me...
*I hate emo posers. They look at emo as a fashion statement, but for me it is a destiny that can't be escaped. It is a way of life...It is a deathwish.
*I’m God fearing and faithful, but not so religious…I believe there is no perfect religion, but there is a perfect faith…
*I wanna meet a girl that could make me fall in love with her and will love me back forever and ever.

this is me:

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iAstraL Report | 12/27/2010 3:48 am
ey nharie mapipiya ta san? xD
iAstraL Report | 12/27/2010 3:39 am
ey nharie mapipiya ta san? xD
muhaymin Report | 05/08/2010 6:47 pm
Musta? Parang tayo lang ang andito. Hehe
Xx_Jie_xX Report | 11/09/2009 4:50 am
Eric. Where are you? T.T
Akuleon Report | 07/24/2009 6:26 pm
I dont have a facebook...sorry...
Akuleon Report | 07/20/2009 10:55 am
oh, its okay. No I dont have a facebook..
Akuleon Report | 07/13/2009 11:00 am
Then why did you start doing it?
Akuleon Report | 07/09/2009 4:08 pm
eh, its okay. I havent been on as much either cus I have requirements too. They are extremely time consuming .__.
Akuleon Report | 07/05/2009 3:38 pm
lol, like you want to be them or be up there with them? I kind of get that feeling too. For me its sort of like motivation to put myself out in the world, speak up and stop being so shy xD
Akuleon Report | 07/02/2009 12:25 pm
Well, thats life. Life (especially these days) is really depressing.



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