Awesome, kickass, or otherwise positive. Can be used to refer to anything but is usually referring to a particular event or action. The most common usages are "epic win" or "epic failure," and some prefer to type it in all caps. Occasionally people use the phrase "Epic ___" as a stand-alone sentence or phrase, always following a story about something considered Epic.
[chik-uh n]
A domestic fowl, Gallus domesticus, descended from various jungle fowl of southeastern Asia and developed in a number of breeds for its flesh, eggs, and feathers.
A bite-size piece of chicken, fish, etc., usually batter-fried.
About Me
My name is Amber. But I prefer to be called Epic, Nugget, Panda, or Pandie/Pandy/Pandi. I'll gladly accept a nickname from you if it is PG-13 and not completely asinine.
I am 16, turning 17 on October 15th.
I am a panda and caffeine fiend.
I'm pansexual but I'm currently taken by a guy who I find extraordinary, so I only have eyes for him
heart .
I am a mutt. So if you ask me what my heritage is, we will be here for days.
I've been told I need Ritalin. Just sayin'.
I strongly dislike people who are immature. I also dislike mentally capable people who are uneducated. If I act cold towards you, it's probably for these reasons.
I've originally been on Gaia since Sept. 28th, 2007. My old account isn't banned or anything, I just prefer this one. You can find my original account
I think respect is earned, not given. Meaning, I will respect you at first. But if you are disrespectful towards me or anyone else, you have lost my respect. Sure you can gain it back, but you only get so many chances.
I like being generous so if you want something on here badly enough, tell me about it and I'll see what I can do (I only have so much money
rolleyes ).
However, I won't get you anything if you're rude or greedy.
Don't be afraid to message me. I don't bite :].
Awesome People
Sammy Henusaki - Sammy; I love this kid to pieces
heart . He's like the baby brother I never had. I've known him for about a year and a half, but it seems like I've known him my whole life. He's the one who got me addicted to Red Bull. So blame him if I die
heart .
Izukia - Anna; This chick is so awesome. She loves pandas just as much as me. We be panda buddies 8D.
Ronscag3 - Ron; I've known this kid for about 4 years. Man the times we've had. . . He's epic in such a weird way. I love you my sweet piece of love n****e
wink .
Angelic Pretty Princess - Chi; She is my Panda Mommy :3. I've known her for about 5 years and lived in the same neighborhood as her. She also introduced me to Gaia :3. But she's moved to New York ;-;!
Hurt them and I
WILL hunt you down, shove popcorn kernels up your a**, smother you in canola oil, and watch you die in agony in an oven :].
Person Behind The Pixels

I like being silly :]
heart You don't have to like it.
Because I really don't care what you think.
Random Stuff
Are you still wondering, "Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"
Well, dear child, I have an answer for you.
It takes 1,156 licks.*
So I would just do what Mr. Owl does.
Ah one.
Ah two.
Ah three.
Results may vary.
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