Things You Should Know About Myself
Well, this is my about me section...huh. Most people wonder who I am, what I like, what music I listen to, what are my friends like, and a whole bunch of other crap that I could care less about.So here is things that I will tell you about myself.
I was Born in September, and have lived on this wonderful hell hole called earth for more years than I would like, although I know I have many more to go.
As for my name? I do not just have one, I am known as Enyo, Blaze, and a few other...not so polite names.
I am not to picky about the type of music that I like, but I can not stand any sort of rap music. I have been taken to branching out with the type of music I've been listening too lately. But I still don't like rap at all. Country, pop, oldies, a very very small amount of classical music, some metal. What I listen to depends on my mood.
I am a crazy reader, reading two to five books per week, depending on how busy I am with school.
Speaking of school, I am officially a high school graduate and have begun my college career. I am a sophomore Biotechnology Major at SUNY ESF (I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of it. It is approx. 1700 undergraduate students. The only majors they have are science based, no liberal arts crap where I am. It is right next to the Syracuse campus, we were once the same school and have since split off on our own.) I am a science nerd and proud of it. I love genetically modified organisms and messing with genetics, so don't get too close.
On Gaia, I love role playing, and just surfing the marketplace, always looking for good deals. I enjoy watching different EI's and am always interested in seeing how they end up. I have recently come back from a very long hiatus and am looking to become active in different rps, seeing as my old ones have died and disappeared while I was away.
My schedule is a bit more hectic than it once was, so I do not have as much time as I used to to spend online, but I will enjoy all the time I can get to relax and forget about the real world, at least for a while.
Think I need to add anything else here? Just leave me a profile comment about it.
Talking to the Warrior
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how r u
hey how r u