Just wanted to let you know (if I didn't already- hard to keep track) I was away for a couple weeks and couldn't get online to type. I'll be back now though frequently for the next while. Sent you a reply. Hope you got it.
Nah it's not that at all. It's just me having brain-farts with... Well, everything. X'D You're right though, we do.
Could do a lot of things I guess. There's still Alexia. Could bring her and her parents over for a surprise visit. Could have another economy crash that would bring the city into a sorrier state. A storm, (which could do a lot, if you consider the homeless people @_@)
I have lots of ideas to throw out. ;P
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that the only reason I've yet to respond is purely because of writer's block. Not just with you, but with RP in general. X'D
I have not abandoned you, I'm just waiting to be able to make a coherent reply!
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Could do a lot of things I guess. There's still Alexia. Could bring her and her parents over for a surprise visit. Could have another economy crash that would bring the city into a sorrier state. A storm, (which could do a lot, if you consider the homeless people @_@)
I have lots of ideas to throw out. ;P
I have not abandoned you, I'm just waiting to be able to make a coherent reply!
I used photoshop CS2 and a tablet to do it. About 2 hours I think, sketch and all done on the computer.