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munky boy11 Report | 03/13/2009 8:49 pm
munky boy11
ello mate
Atlus the Gallient Report | 12/14/2008 9:30 am
Atlus the Gallient
kl-kat09 Report | 09/20/2008 5:34 pm
Kamakazee567 Report | 08/23/2008 3:04 pm
Ya haven't been on in a while.....

Atlus the Gallient Report | 08/11/2008 2:10 pm
Atlus the Gallient
hey sup
Atlus the Gallient Report | 08/11/2008 2:10 pm
Atlus the Gallient
hey sup
The Peacekeeper Missile Report | 08/09/2008 4:22 pm
The Peacekeeper Missile
You're crazy. No one is going to buy the stuff you're selling. It is way over priced. Again, you're crazy. This is a really random post. I am talking while I'm typing and saying what I'm typing out loud because I feel like it and I can. Gosh. The T.V. is on. It's a show about cats. I love cats. They are awesome. And not crazy like you. There are two phones next to me. Ok then three. Someone just put another phone next to me because they felt like it. And aren't crazy like you. This post is getting really long. I'm still talking while I'm typing. Ha ha ha ha ha. I see some napkins. Regular people use napkins, but not crazy people like you. I called you crazy a lot. That's because you are and I felt like it. Posting random comments to people you find that are selling things at crazy prices because they are crazy like you is funny. Actually this is the first time I did this. I just got poked in the side and shoulder blade twice. It feels wierd. The person sitting next to me is wierd but not crazy like you. This is the longest I've ever written in a comment. I think it is longer than my school essay from last year. Actually that is exaggerating or however you spell it. But soon it probably will be. Have fun reading all this random crap I posted. I don't even know if you will get this far but I doubt you'll be bored because it's an extremely random and crazy like you post. Well it's been fun typing to you. I suggest trying to sell your stuff for less crazy prices you crazy person. Ha ha ha ha ha. I just had a milkshake. It wasn't crazy or gay like you. And it's not a noob because it's a freaking milkshake you idiot. I am a very random person so don't take all of the things I say seriously, but you can take some of them seriously. Never trust any of my friends with a grenade launcher or flame thrower. They will destroy the planet in less than 20 minutes. I stayed up and ate chips, chocolate and marshmellows last night. They were stale. I just found 2 dollars under some candles. Ha ha ha ha ha. Feel free to comment back. I love random comments like this one but I never get them. Also, try not to over react to anything I say because it's really dumb over reacting and doesn't help with the situation even though ther usually isn't one. I drink your milkshake! *slurp* I drink it up! That is the only time I used exclamation points I think. I'm not keeping track. You crazy crazy person. What you're trying to sell is way over priced. That had to be the most expensive stuff I've ever seen and it's not even that good. You should sell it for like 1 gold. I just lost the game. If you know of the game, I'm sure you lost to. Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm a horrible person. I made you and everyone else who reads this comment lose the game. If you don't know about the game, then you're living under a rock that apparently has internet access. That would be awesome. I want one. There is a button on the phone that says volume boost. I wonder if it makes it go down to. The only reason I'm posting this is because i have nothing better to do and the stuff your selling is way over priced you moron. It's really fun posting long random comments like this one. Ha ha ha ha ha.

surad Report | 08/01/2008 12:51 pm
Cause u asked if i was single and i wuz seein if u were curious
munky boy11 Report | 08/01/2008 9:18 am
munky boy11
only like 400g
iLilMissSunShine Report | 08/01/2008 8:01 am
not much. you?
bRoWn EyEd GiNa
ninja   frog318
Sm3Xy St3pH

im abbys sis shes cool and asome

im one of the cooliest frends

this is one of my best frends chris

im abbys bro