
Welcome to my profile!

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Hoping that everyone who opens my profile leaves a comment. If you would like to be friends just leave me a request or just pm me. Don't worry I don't bite.

I'm 18, would love,]die and dream to cosplay but doesn't have the money to do so in real life. I'm enigmatic and dense but usually easy to talk to. I'm still exploring myself, as others call it their true calling in life which I think will be pretty difficult as this world is as vast as it sounds. Would love to take art but doesn't have the authority to take it up. I ended up taking computer science which is not a part of my interests, but oh well at least i'll learn something new. TE-HEE...Still, life is fickle and a lot will happen, possibilities are infinite and some encounters are inevitable. Someday, I'll cut through to those knotty knots (very funny) and head on to where I should be.

Zomg really takes up my time nowadays. It's a good opportunity to find good people to talk to. You can see who has a helping hand and a smile to cheer you on (which is in the use of emoicons)love you guys...

2009 Lucky year: year of the monkey

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Thanks for the banner, from Tagalog Bumpers!!!

I'm a Filipino

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Anime is my passion!

Oh really? I didn't know XD

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