About this b***h.
I’m Danielle, and I live my life the way I want to. No, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I have all the friends I need. I have red hair, brown eyes, and play soccer. I am bitchy sometimes, but I’m also sometimes very kind and sweet. I stand up for what I believe in and even if I’m standing alone, I stick with it. I hold onto things longer than most people do, but once I think about letting go, then I remember why I was holding on in the first place, and it just makes me want to keep it more. I’m 13, in 8th grade, and in band. I don’t fit into just one group of people, and it really confuses people sometimes. I’m a nerdy, punk, country girl. My parents raised me this way, and I just go with it. I really am just a normal teenager, who grew up way too fast, and with way too little rules. But it’s helped me find out who I am. I hate myself sometimes, but that’s kinda silly. I am a great person, and I make a lot of mistakes. And, I know who my real friends are. Because I’ve ******** up so much and their still by my side. And I love them for that.-Dannie. heart
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