things i like
1. jordan biggrin2. randomness
3. cookies... with spookey halloween pictures on them.
4. the word scizzors
5. my boyfriend [[see #1]]
6. amp
7. rockstar
8. monster
9. biggrin little smiley faces
Last Login: 09/20/2009 12:04 pm
Registered: 06/11/2007
Gender: Female
Birthday: 10/24/1993
theres alot of people in the world, but one thing that sepperates the smart from the dumb, is the matter of who killed themselves first.
so what if you can see... the darkest side of me..
Location biggrin eep Down In One Of The Many Abyss's of Hell
throw your hands in the air and scream ******** THE WORLD!!!
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