April 24 is my b-day Ugh! I hate my b-day because I'd be the ''center of attention." My favorite colors are Black, Blood Red, Dark Lavender, and Teal. I live in Kansas. I like hard rock. People at school think I'm emo, but, as you can tell I don't give a crap about what they say! Oh yea, I'v got curly blackish brown hair but I like to straighten it 'cause it makes me look better and that's a change 'cause I'm really ugly. Anyway, my favorite hobbie is to lay on my floor in the dark and listen to hard rock. And I'm not a a big fan of smiling so don't expect me too. Oh yea, NEVER FORGET I love Sabrina. So don't hate, apperiate. I have my right against abortion and that's because no matter what, it will never be the babies fault for you screwing up so don't put a baby through a miserable death and then regret it because YOU made the mistake that's just sick if you really think about it anyway, um yea that's it I think if I have any more to say I'll put it here. Bye. (fer now.) Oh yea if you go to my myhotcomments.com that's my REAL picture and if you see it I know what you're thinking "Wow that girl is REALLY ugly!" I've been told so try not to remind me about it. Please and Thank you!
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