I am a christian female with a low self-esteem. sweatdrop Hehe. He.I am a blondie stare I have blue eyes and I love the character Koji in Fushigi Yugi. mrgreen heart
My favorite cuz is Deinna. Or chismonster117 (pronounced 'cheese monster'.You should befriend her sometime. She likes Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi. You should look that up sometime, too......I love 'er, but she can be mean. And annoying. But she's pretty awsome. cool
emo cool eek surprised wink whee xp twisted rolleyes blaugh 3nodding stressed cry ninja evil twisted scream lol ....can be all my emotions.......Hehe. He. He. Yeah.
Signed, gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright