Nickname: Edea SorceressDOB: May 29th
Location: South East Asia - Vietnam
Language spoken: Vietnamese; English
Interests: Anime/Manga
Favourite anime: Jigoku Shoujo/Rozen Maiden
Favourite manga: Rave Master/Gakuen Alice
Favourite character: Ai Enma/Raven
Favourite band of musician: Linkin Park
Favourite singer: Kat Deluna/Rhianna
Favourite song:
Favourite game: FFVIII/Klonoa Series
Status: D'x
Watching: None
Reading: The World God Only Knows - Naruto - Gakuen Alice
Listening: None
Playing: None
Hell Correspondence
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The items on it are all 200k or above anyways. o.e;
Besides with the work I do, we have to do a lot of research, and the research would be considered us learning new things. o3o
Honestly, I don't think they care too much...
Most of my teachers say you should use the book while taking the exams...
And for the ones I actually sat in class for they did the same. xD;
So it's not really cheating if the teachers allow it. o3o
You just have to site where you got the information from.
I take online classes, so I get a week to do my exam, and I end up coming online and chatting while working on it. xD
Lol! XD Yeah, I can't study either without getting distracted... which is why I never study. xD
Lol xD
I'm going to try finishing my exam before I check ernya... 1 more question left. D:
Yeah. ><;; But you could still end up doing better, you never know.
Aww. xD; Try studying before the contest this time? O: