My name is Echo.I am a freshman in college and study my major- communication, advertising, PR, and event planning, along with English Literature and a am currently working on a minor in German.
I love all things Disney.
I read Harry Potter like Star Wars Geeks follow Yoda.
If Lady GaGa and Pink had a joined tour I'd follow them to the end of the Earth barefoot.
I'm a little melodramatic ^^
I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that we should not regret our failures but that what ever decisions we made in the past felt right at the time, so we should simply learn from them.
I use " ^^ " all too frequently.
Also, I love taco-in-a-bag. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
Purple Summer * Defying Gravity
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<3 Gio
<3 Gio
<3 Gio ^^
lol, cheezburgers aside (somebody set us up the bomb^_-) I know what you mean. I sure like college better than high school though, personally anyhow. The freedom to write papers, and to write completely uncensored about stuff that really matters - these things I adore. (Plus I'm really a social reformist/(peaceful)revolutionary at heart too, so you can imagine there are some controversial issues I'm pretty passionate about.)
Thanks for the compliments on my avi ^//^ it was really a gift from a friend of mine who designs them as her gaia profession. I really like your's actually, it's simple and aesthetically pleasing in it's cute-simplicity.
*admires back* oooh pretty *_* ^_^
You're welcome, I really am a student at heart so creepin around to check up on someone's interests comes naturally, write a couple papers in college and all of a sudden you're an investigative journalist right? Haha
I think you're probably my favorite new friend on Gaia too, we should most definitely keep the conversation going.
<3 Boogieman ; )
Unfortunately I think I have to admit that I'm not your mystery flower sender, haha, kinda wish I was though, what a sweet gesture.
I love that you put Great Expectations in your fav. reads. Dickens was a was an unbelievable talent who really gave his heart to social reform. His writings are beautiful and almost openly poetic in their ethereal luminescence.
(forgive the wordiness, I thought you might enjoy it as an English Lit., and I tend to jump on someone who I think I can talk in my usual academic dialect to ^^)
Great Expectations has a place on everyone's shelf imo. Gutes Glück mit dem deutscher Minderjähriger btw ; )
How are you doing?
<3 Boogieman