thE real me^^
nyAhAhA...uHm..In cASe You stiLL dOn't kNow mE..wEll,fiRst of all i wOuld lIke tO tEll you aLl gUys thAt I am an asiAn(filipiNa)..Hmm..i'm a vEry simPle,hUmbLe lAdY..nyAhAhA..mAybE i'm nOt bEautifUl outsiDe(wEll i don'T cAre aBout tHat "phYsicAl aPpearAnce'..whAtevEr..)bUt iF yOu'll know mE bEttEr,yOu'll aPrprEciAte thE rEal bEauty inSidE..^_^aNywAy,thAnks fOr viEwing my prOfile..tAkE cAre alwAys..
sAy whAt yOu wAnt^^
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