Some would call me a hero others a coward.
I have been alone my entire life that will never change.
I don't easily trust so excuse me for not believing in your lies.
I am the angel from hell, the need to survive amuses me.
Your crys will bring joy to my face and your death relief to my heart.
I have no use for pathetic comments on my own self.
If you can't tell by now I simply just don't give a damn for you.
My heart is taken and it is in a special locked place forever with this person.
I would kill for them and die for them. But I will not suffer in darkness forever for you to just walk away.
Let us not pretend that I am a living being with a soul.
My soul was left behind damned in hell the day I was born.
I will forever roam this Earth on my own.
The Mistresses thoughts
Its about most my gaia charcter and some on my real life. Comment and tell me what I should write about
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