
Dulcolaxx's avatar

Birthday: 03/27


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(/^_^)/K A M A E L 3 2 7....『Active Mule』(^_^)v

OK. So This is My New Account. Apparantly, Someone hacked my old one and changed my user to Ohmygoditsmelol. (augh! yeah. i know.) i had to start all over again.. *sigh8

Anyway, My real name's A SECRET. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

i live in THE PHILIPPINES, and for those of you who don't know where that is... it's in ASIA! OK? *rolls eyes* geez. seriously, it's not a deserted island! but, thinking about it.. i think it'd be pretty cool if i live on one!! lol! XD

Anyway, i like listening to music alot and i spend most of my time (when im not in school) on the computer! they're pretty much a part of my life... can't live without them.

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oh yeah, i absolutely LOVE MANGA&ANIME!! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
(yes people! Meh is A PRouD OTAKU! hehe..)


Because they're effing AWESOME! That's why! plus THE BISHIES!

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nyahahahahahahahah! bishies.

*ehem.* anyways, im always perceived as a calm and quiet person by most of my peers . how they were able to conclude that is beyond me. i'm far from it!

i love having those really random funny moments and i love hanging out with friends and do stupid stuffs! yeah! i love those! and im very random. very random. "eggs are cute!" ...see.

however. if i get mad, i can be a real demon if i need to be.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
so don't push me!

but that rarely happens so don't worry! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Please, feel free to add me as a friend. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

if you have any Q's or just need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.

well, i don't know what to say anymore so i think im just gonna stop here for now.

thanks for stopping by. BUH-BYE!

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(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(")_(") profile and help him on his
way to world domination.


View All Comments

amasaki_reyoko Report | 08/28/2009 7:02 pm
Hey! XD God I feel so horrible not coming back for so long. But things have been...well, I got obsessed over something else other than anime and manga. So... hehehe. You know what happens when a girl gets obsessed. Sorry didn't reply for so long. I'm trying to play and check all my online accounts but I just have so many that at times I'm just lazy. =3= I'm sorry to hear that you got hacked. How'd it happen?
The Silly Scene Kid Report | 06/11/2009 1:18 pm
The Silly Scene Kid
hey! no prob
Bokuden Report | 03/05/2009 10:23 pm
lol good thing you listened to me, then XD... so they just sent you a message or something?

I'm sure you'll pass =)

No prob ^^
Bokuden Report | 03/05/2009 10:27 am
lol well I told you it would work if you kept at it =D

Well I'm sure you did good =)

Umm, I have no idea, sorry xD... try asking a mod, maybe? =)

I gtg take my wife to school... I'll see ya later =)
Bokuden Report | 03/05/2009 10:16 am
Oh awesome!! how did you get it back? =)

Oh that's ok... did you already take the test? how'd it go? =)
Ol Bitey Boots Report | 03/04/2009 9:17 pm
Ol Bitey Boots
Hey! Haven't heard from you since I sent you those Bleach vids lol. How are ya'? Whats been going on?
Bokuden Report | 03/04/2009 9:13 pm
Hey there, you alive? XD
funky crystal Report | 02/26/2009 10:11 pm
funky crystal
thats good, i'm good thanx
so wat was she talking to u about
funky crystal Report | 02/26/2009 1:14 pm
funky crystal
yes i am ...........hi .....how r u .... smile
Bokuden Report | 02/26/2009 12:35 pm
No problem =D


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- colors by bokuden1452 (^___^)/ ~thanks boku-nii!


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