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Birthday: 01/07


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View All Comments

Metal Newguy16 Report | 03/09/2009 8:58 am
Metal Newguy16
u got a nice pro
x-icookielover Report | 01/14/2009 6:16 pm
sammyrock4ever Report | 11/12/2008 11:42 am
i dont know lets just meet in a town instead. k
in town 001001 when ever i am on and you r online too k
sammyrock4ever Report | 11/11/2008 12:02 pm
hey can you meet me in a rally or sign into your IM please!!!!!!!!!!
xXCaptain Sexy CookieXx Report | 11/10/2008 3:32 pm
xXCaptain Sexy CookieXx
ummm which rally do i go to
Cinderella Girl 818 Report | 11/09/2008 2:17 pm
Cinderella Girl 818
thank you

your profile isnt that bad either

hee hee lol

LIED 2 U Report | 11/08/2008 8:33 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
lile 3 Report | 10/25/2008 5:28 pm
lile 3
i thought i was ur boy friend
Caddy_boi89 Report | 10/14/2008 7:18 pm
Ya So Cutie................
nelsino Report | 10/13/2008 4:00 pm
thnx but no problem



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