'Ello. Welcome to my profile, and thanks for takin the time to read all this junk. biggrinWell, to start off I guess I could tell you my name. Marzi Jaime.
Pronunciation ~ mar-zee jah-may
Strange, I know, but I like it, I think it's pretty. 3nodding
Anyways, a bit more about me. --
I love music!
I can be very random at times..
I have three guitars - an acoustic, electric, and of course, the classic, air guitar.
I'm emo, I suppose.. But I don't cut myself, I'm not stupid.
I'm very protective of my friends. VERY protective. I came close to getting expelled from school once for beatin the crap out of someone for hurting my best friend, soo......
Umm... Hm... What else.. Ah. I write music.
I'm interested in taking karate, tennis, track, and violin lessons.
Um... I'm exactly 5 feet tall, I weigh 90 somethin pounds, I have brown hair (although I'm dyeing it dark blue sometime this summer..), green eyes, uum.... I guess that's it..
Well, thanks again for takin the time to read this! blaugh
Love and Peace, spread it, the hate can wait.
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I MiSs EvErY1 SoOoOoOoOoOo MuCh!!!!! (not dakota)
Im sO FrEaKiN BoReD!!!!
cant wait 2 c u again!!!!!
YAY! 1st comment!!!