Hiya.!!uhhh call me Dolphin.!!uhhh im not really new to this..but yeahh.. im still learning[= uhhh i love to draw. but i cant show it to you because i cant.[= lol uhh i like to sing..but i do hate my voice a little..haha xD i always hang with my cousins and i also like teasing averyone xD Tee hee hee....so yeahh....haha i am a meanie. uhhmm not sure what to tell you so yeahh..
wanna know anything more about me.?
just comment or message mehh....kaykay
Love ya.!<3
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/ChobiMM3/Icons/Kamichama Karin/karin.jpg[/IMG]
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np >o<
does any of my math field buddies have an gaia too?
i was a super noob before xD
omg!! cute profile!!!
my apologies!
i barely realized it earlier.
try to come here
http://www.gaiaonline.com/launch/mtv/?room_id=13&server= Artemis Vampire's;mtv-map_1&xpos=502&ypos=621
just go to a room then on the bottom right corner copy and paste that to me