~M! Luv Pl@yl!st~

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Dolphin_Princess11's avatar

Last Login: 07/18/2013 8:36 pm

Registered: 04/15/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/15/1993

Occupation: Full Tyme Student

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~ D!z !z w@t !m w3@r!n



hey,whatz up??thiz ya girl Momo.therez not a lot 2 me.imma Virgo. im 5'4. i have brown eyez, brown complextion, and i have black hair.ummmmmmmmmmmm im really easy 2 get along with if u dont get on my bad side.i like video games,watchin tv,talkin on da phone,and goin on GAIA.i dont like anyone with a bad attitude i jus like 2 have fun and play around i dont have tyme for someonez attitude.imma old skool chik but i still listen 2 up2dat music.if ya want mo info jus hit me up.And I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv dolphinz!!

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~M! D!@ry~

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~Mi Di@ry~

It iz wat it iz


~Peeps cummin round~

~L3@v3 @ comm3nt~

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lolsayaanddiva Report | 08/25/2010 8:46 pm
cool avi !
wasalameamakina Report | 09/15/2009 3:23 pm
happy b-day!
xXxLiL-HoNeYxXx Report | 09/07/2008 7:57 pm
I_ish_smexi_cookie Report | 08/14/2008 9:51 am
Hi, I am Teddy. Once you read this you cannot get out. Finish reading this until it is done! As I said, I am Teddy. I am 7 years old and have no eyes and blood all over my face. I am dead. If you don't send this to 12 ppl, I will come to ur house at midnight and hide under ur bed. When ur asleep I'll kill you. Don't believe me? Case 1 Patty Buckles got this email. She doesn't believe in chain letters. Well, foolish Patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she's not with us anymore. Haha Patty, haha. You don't wanna be like Patty, do you? Case 2 George M Simon hates chain mail, but he didn't wanna die that night. He sent it to 4 ppl. Not good enough George. Now George is in a coma & we don't know if he'll ever wake up. Haha George haha! Now, you don't wanna be like George do you? Case 3 Valarie Tyler got this letter. Another chain letter she thought. She only had 7 more people to send too. Well, that night when she was having a shower she saw Bloody Mary in the mirror It was the BIGGEST fright of her life. Valarie is scarred for life. Case 4 Derek Minse. This is the last case so I'll tell you about it. Derek was a smart person. He sent it to 12 people and found a $100.00 dollar bill on the ground. He was promoted to head officer at his job and his girlfriend accepted his propose. Now Katie and him are living happily ever after. They now have 2 beautiful children. Send this 2 12 ppl or you'll serve the consequences. 0 - you'll die 2ight; 1 to 6 - you'll get injured; 7 to 11 - you'll get the biggest fright of ur life; 12 and over - ur saved and will have a great fortune. Do what Teddy!!!! Hurry!!!! Send this to 12 ppl before midnight 2night
Hot_Emo_Princess_latina13 Report | 07/23/2008 1:20 pm
thankx (^_^)
me is scene Report | 07/15/2008 8:45 am
me is scene
hey thanks girl!
oO-Cross-Edge-Lover-Oo Report | 07/07/2008 12:55 pm
but it was like a normal day
500STUDENT Report | 07/07/2008 11:56 am
oO-Cross-Edge-Lover-Oo Report | 07/07/2008 11:39 am
mine was boring
oO-Cross-Edge-Lover-Oo Report | 07/07/2008 11:36 am
how was your fourth

~My luv d0 u 3v@ dr3@m 0f c@nd!-c0@t3d r@!ndropz

~My hubby, imma b Mrz.Christopher Maurice Brown~

~My BFF 4eva~

ur th3 s@m3 my c@nd! r@!n~