"Strange Life"

Doc Steven Strange Sorcer

Doc Steven Strange Sorcer's avatar

Birthday: 11/21

Doc Strange's inner Sanctume

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iMarida Cruz Report | 09/30/2012 7:55 pm
iMarida Cruz
Long time Steven.
HarlequinofHearts Report | 10/29/2011 12:22 pm
"Hello..." Came a soft voice as a dark haired girl stepped inside the hideout.
iSkaar Report | 06/26/2011 5:34 pm
-Breaks your hands-
Ruthless Heroine Report | 05/22/2011 8:17 am
Ruthless Heroine
"You and your Visanthi, I only got me and my tophat." Zatanna laughs alittle.

[[ Thank you! biggrin ]]
Ruthless Heroine Report | 05/18/2011 5:27 am
Ruthless Heroine
Nice Doc Strange. C:
titankronos9 Report | 05/06/2011 12:59 am
ready to intercept pm lol
and i know, i was rather intent to see but i havent the time at the moment
titankronos9 Report | 05/06/2011 12:56 am
wow, lol thanks for that
umm yeah i have no powers but in real life i enjoy making things and so that reflects my character choice
i was this close {} to picking captain america though lol, got a war machine avi in the works but i need infernal spirit for it,
i need 60k to purchase it
well no, i havent seen it..... yet, i fully intend to
have you?
titankronos9 Report | 05/06/2011 12:44 am
well now that we've got that out of the way lol
*offers handshake* i'm titankronos9, call me titan or whatever
i'm allways curious how people find me and what their first question is
beacuse believe it or not i keep getting random friend requests
titankronos9 Report | 05/06/2011 12:38 am
(dont have to type ooc, just put what strange says in quotes)
you're assuming i saw it? well i did and i rather enjoyed the action and the comedy
whats this? a gas gun. why do i need a weapon? because you're special. i know i'm special but why only me?
because you do not have fighting skills. how does this work anyway? Dont! *britt fires it at himself by accident*
Avenging Archer Report | 05/02/2011 10:26 am
Avenging Archer
*brain explodes from insanity*


User Image beware the powers many fail to understand for I am the Sorcerer Supreme!


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Hello I am Doctor Steven Strange most have given the title
of " Supeme Sorcerer" even I myself find this title to be unfitting it is however, clear that I am an exspert in my profession I would tell you my origin but that is non of your conrcern is it??

I will assist my Allies when I am not busied with other concerns... in the mean time you can leave a message on the door
Tony E Stark

why the hell am I here?? I dont beleive in magic