Hi, I'm DJ Animefangirl01 and I've been on gaia...gosh I don't know how long anymore. 3 years, I think?
sweatdrop Well as you can tell from my username, I am a fan of anime and feel free to suggest some titles for me to watch but only if it is on Netflix, I won't watch anime on Youtube because the last time I tried to watch Trinity Blood on youtube my computer shut down by itself and I didn't do a thing. My favorites currently are Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Devil May Cry(I don't care what anyone says, the anime was freaking awesome!
biggrin ), and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I also love Red vs Blue, my dad got me into the series and my favorite characters are Caboose, Tex, Church, Sarge, and Grif.

I have a deviantArt account too! I am
EeveeMasamune, click on my name to see what I made.
I have a tumblr as well. I am
dorksoftakeda, it's an ask and RP blog. Anyone that wants to see the blog or want to ask a question, just click on my tumblr.
-I would love you for life if anyone draws avi art!-
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