ABout me, Hmm.. I guess i could share a little.
My name is Kyle, Anderson. Right now work two jobs. I work at Tim Horton's dureing the day, Then at night I am a DJ for a Night club Called The Roadhouse. My DJ name is Obvious... DJ Afflicted. We run a web studio called DWS (differential Web Studios)
I love hockey. I love Tennis, and I love summer.
Since I am new on here, I have no further info I want to give out at this time.
biggrin Newly Added: Me
biggrin o.o my right hand looks tweeked up cause of how i held the railing.... thats messed up D:
Oh And I am 24 now... No more teens for me... thats just a major sad face..
Rejoined Gaia again after so long...
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