Divine Fantasm:
Is the fluff your dreams are made of and the horror your nightmares lack
* Is terrified of horses/moths
* Loves Fantasy
* Doesn't believe in reality
* Doesn't like Vampire books/movies/OCs--- really depends
* Is obsessed with demonology
* Is a Christian -- I don't shove my religion down your throat-- but other things, I won't guarantee x}
* Hates baby-killers (pro-death)
* Is half Mexican, half Irish/Swed
* Loves Xbox 360--- Fallout 3
* Is a game-junkie
* Loves Rob Zombie and Metallica
* Favorite music genre is rock
* Loves photoshopping (currently on pixel doll kick)
* Doesn't like anime
* Likes western styled yaoi/yuri
* Loves to roleplay with literate people.
* Can't stand dumb straight people
* Is Intrapersonal and a loner
* A very happy child (with maniac paranoia and biploar-ism)
* Was raised by her grandparents
* Loves Italian food and garlic
* Favorite drink is grape juice
* Is too damned old to like grape juice
* Has three mentally challenged family members
* Is distantly related to president JFK
* Hates internet fights; she can't beat the s**t out of the person.
* Hates work of any kind
* Loves her iPod
* Loves drawing/writing about fantasy based characters
* Is sick of writing this s**t.
Things in the Mirror seem nicer than they Appear.