An angel who lost her wings when the creatures of darkness intered her dreams. Such nightmarish terrors had this angel seen.
She tore out her eyes, in hope they'd go away, but all it did was cause her pain. A smile that warmed turned to a chilling frown. Soft skin had tuned to ice. Her golden hair and beautiful hands, tainted with thick stains of red. Her clothes are torn and darkened as so has been her soul. What poor fate had rested on this girl. What was once a white bannered ribbon, is now diswinged. So shall she beknown as diswingedribbon.
I was created by a dream within a dream. A simple feeling in which has made a slumberful hallutination that had created the image. That that is real, and that that is not, is the memorie of what i was. That that is notthat past, and that that is not the future is what i am now. There is no telling who i will be.
darkness within
i love to hate my life in a good way!
its my feelings and my good times. onestly its any time!
Ribbons name tags, for info please pm.
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