I miss you too sweetheart, but school and rl comes first. Just remember when things start to overwhelm you, step back, take a deep breath and try harder. Nothing is worth having unless it's worth fighting for.
Best of luck, and guess what, spring is coming! It's almost over!
no, hes actually really nice. but he got really drunk one nite and then i went 2 his house and found is drunk a** rolling around with another girl. so watever. i still like him even though i shouldnt... i see him at school almost every day to so... watever... ill just remember the good times and block out the rest...
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Check out the guild when you get the chance!
There's a special surprise just for you ^.~
Best of luck, and guess what, spring is coming! It's almost over!
<3 Crystal
but u r good...
i mean very good...!!!
ive already purchased one
117k for your nightmare