About the Pickle!
Yo Yo Yo! My names Dylan. I'm 13 Years old and live in Canada eh. I'm about 5'6" and about 130 pounds (Call me fat and I'll kill you...)I have no idea about what I plan on doing when I get older so don't ask questions...I like watching and reading Anime and Manga mainly Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha and FullMetal Alchemist, hang with my friends, wasting my money on stuff at 7-11, playing sports mostly Soccer, I also like going swimming sometimes, and making friends over Gaia. If yah want to get to know me better, just ask wink_________$____________$$$_______$$$_____$$_________ __________$$$_____$____$$$$____$$$$____$$$_________ ____$_______$$$____$___$$$$___$$$$____$$$____$_____ _____$$$____$$$$___$$___$$$$_$$$$$___$$$$___$$_____ _______$$$___$$$$__$$$__$$$_$$$$$____$$$$__$$___$__ _______$$$$__$$$$_$$$$___$_$$$$$_____$$$$_$$$__$$__ ________$$$$_$$$$$_$$____$$$$$$_____$$$$$_$$__$$$__ _________$$$$$_$$$$_$___$$$$$$_$___$$$$$_$___$$$___ ____$$$$__$$$$$$_$$$_$__$$$$$$_$$_$$$$$_$___$$$$___ ___$___$$$$_$$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$____$$$$$____ __________$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$___$$$$$______ ___________$$$$_$$$$$$_$$__$$$$$_$$$__$$$$$________ _______________$$$_$$$$$_$__$$$$_$__$$$$___________ ____________________$_$$$$__$$$$__$$$$_____________ _________________________$$_$$$_$$$________________ ___________________________$$$$$$__________________ _________________________$$$$$$$$$$________________ ________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ _______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ ______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______________ _____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$______________ ____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$______________ _____________$_____$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$______________ _____________$$____$$$$_$$_$$$__$$$$_$_____________ ______________$$__$$$$_$$_$$$$______$$$____________ _______________$$_$$$$_$$_$$$$_______$$$___________ _______________$$$_$$_$$$_$$$$$______$$$$__________ ________________$$$__$$$_$__$$$$___________________ ________________$$$$$$$$_____$$$___________________ ________________$O$O$$$______$$$___________________ ______________$_$$$$$$_______$$$___________________ ____________$$$_$@$$_______$$$$____________________
Made by A Demonic Teddy! GO STEAL IT FROM HER LIKE I DID! biggrin
It's a Playboy Bunny!!
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Random facts about me
Bedtime: 9 on school nights 11 on weekends
Most Missed Memory: Being in kindergarden
Best phyiscal feature: No Idea...xD
First Thought Waking Up: "Just 5 more minutes!"
Goal for this year: Try not to piss anyone off...I already failed
Best Friends: Tammi, Ryan, Kaite, Nick, Casey, Jacob, and Greg
worst Enemies: Kennedy P...
Weakness: The Computer @_@
Fears: Death...And...Heights
Heritage: British and I think French O.O
Longest relationship: 4 months biggrin
Ever Drank: Once...Want to but my parents won't let me
Ever Smoked: Does second hand count?
ever smoked Pot: Not yet wink
Ever been Drunk: No
Ever been beaten up: Not really
Ever beaten someone up: Maybe...20 times x)
Ever Shoplifted: No
Ever Skinny Dipped: Uhhhhhh Yes...When I was 5 x)
Ever Kissed Opposite Sex: Yah
Been Dumped Lately: Yah
Favorite Eye Color: Don't care
Favorite Hair Color: Does matter
Short or Long: Long
Height: About my height
Style: Someone who tells the truth and says they love me
Looks or Personality: Both...I like Personality a little more though
Hot or Cute: Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: O.O Neither???
Muscular or Really Skinny: I like Average...Not REALLY skinny...
Number of Regrets in the Past: I think about 12...
What country do you want to Visit: Japan all the way!
How do you want to Die: In battle!
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: I don't mind them...Unless they wake me up!
Get along with your Parents: Sometimes
Health Freak: Hell no! GIVE ME DOUGHNUTS!
Do you think your Attractive: Do I have to answer this?
Believe in Yourself: O.O Kind of
Want to go to College: For the parties wink
Do you Smoke: Hell no!
Do you Drink: I want to
Been in Love: Yes...
Do you Sing: No...
Want to get Married: If I find the right person
Do you want Children: 1...Maybe two
Have your future kids names planned out: Yes...Boy = Damien, John, Nick Girl= Jennifer, Jessica, Nicole
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 17
Hate anyone: A few people...
There yah go! Thats a bit about me! And remember, GIVE ME DOUGHNUTS!
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im gonna draw avi art for all the people who donate to my dream avi, so if you do that i'll do some art for you :3
whatcha gonna do with your gold? *cough*
check out my dream avi o;
i wanna dress like that in real life o;
I actually got a card and donated to them... for it... so yea....
I'm okay, just been working. I work 12 hours today.
I'm really hoping to buy me a DS soon...
Thats what my boob said xDDDDD