Age - ...21Location- California, baby~
I was homeschooled.
I like techno s**t. Im drawn to the colors. XD
Ever watch Anime? I do... A LOT. o_o
The best is HSOTD. XD I love the thought of Zombies.
I donate randomly if I see you in the towns~
perfection is over rated,
i want your flaws.
~~a few facts about how a badass i am ~~
. I have amazing friends who put up with me even though i can be a idiot. XD
. I am moving forward not backward from now on
. I am a very good listener and I also give good advise. (or so others say XD)
. I am always loyal to my friends, right or wrong. doesnt matter
. I swear I'm going to be richer than Oprah , and i will own Disneyland. mark my freakin words XD
. im insanely determined but easliy discouraged D8
"They say behind every good man, there stands a woman. Well thats a prime spot for a stab in the back. Honey we know what to expect from you, so have your cake and eat it too" {} ♥
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I remember talking to you and Elektronik Rainbow all the time. I hope everything's been going well with you!
If I remember right, you were trying to become one? :3
Yeah, I am sure you will read this comment reply in about 2 years again lol xD
Yes, I was trying to become one, but plans have changed since then. My goal is to be a Dentist in the future, but we'll see. Dental Assisting is fine, I am doing more classes to hopefully transfer to a dental school someday lol
How have you been? I will send you a PM with my number and Facebook, so we can keep in touch that way lol I will even include my instagram and snapchat and kik just in case you want to chat there instead lol
blaugh 3nodding
Yours truly,