I so made this today!
Ello, I go by a lot of names but I’ll only tell you two that are most used now, Rin-Chan or Hearts, Hearts is one of my newest ones and I love it because I do, all thanks to the wonderful idea by Senpai, who is Spades. ^_^ Idea originated from her wonderful mind because she loves the Joker and so do I but not as much as she and so yes, we have a new Roleplay that she thought of and if you wish to see upon what randomness that we love to do, then check out my posts and you shall see.Ok, enough about that. I’m 17 years old, I am a single-female who is straight and I do intend to stay single because I don’t want any relationships right now, I enjoy being free and without restrictions, even though it does tend to get lonely at times but that’s ok. I love Yaoi Manga’s and Anime’s, and if you don’t care for it nor know it, then whatever, just don’t voice your opinions on my page nor PM me with childish drama and comments, because you won’t be getting a response since that is what your seeking nor will you have any kind of agreement I will just simply ignore you, for which I am great at doing.I do like other Manga’s and Anime rather then just Yaoi. I’m currently trying to buy the manga, Vampire Knights, I find that a very interesting story but not as much as Loveless, Eerie Queerie, FAKE and Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) and Legal Drug and quite a few others I could name. I like the Anime, Karin and Ghost Hunt and I’m trying to also get the manga’s for Ghost Hunt, since there is more of a story then that of the Anime and Hikaru no Go and many others I could name but I don’t think the box that they provide shall be long enough, so moving on.I love the color Jade and Silver. I am Asian-American. Half-Korean, Half-American. My mother was born and raised in South Korea and my father born and raised in America. My dad joined the army and hence forth of how he met my mother. I am in love with Japanese culture and life and I have every intention on learning the language, customs, read and write and living my days in Japan. That is not a dream but a reality, goal that I will achieve one day soon. I like many different type of music and moves but I loath techno and emo music. I find it very annoying. I do like to roleplay but every time I start one, the other person or people end up leaving or go on and stray away from the plot line and makes it very confusing. I am an out-going and talkative person if I have input on something and I like you, and if I don’t, no worries, I’ll be sure to tell you. Welp if you wanna know more, then comment me or PM me, it don’t make no difference to me. AMANDA PEREZ LYRICS
It's been five months since you went away
Left without a word and nothing to say
When I was the one who gave you my heart and soul
But it wasn't good enough for you, no
So I asked God
God send me an angel
From the heavens above
Send me an angel to heal my broken heart
From being in love
'Cause all I do is cry
God send me an angel
To wipe the tears from my eyes
And I know it might sound crazy
But after all that I still love you
You wanna come back in my life
But now there is something I have to do
I have to tell the one that I once adored
That they can't have my love no more
Cause my heart can't take no more lies
And my eyes are all out of cries
God send me an angel
From the heavens above
Send me an angel to heal my broken heart
From being in love
'Cause all I do is cry
God send me an angel
To wipe the tears from my eyes
Now you had me on my knees
Begging God please to send you back to me
I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep
You made me feel like I could not breathe
Now all I wanted to do was to feel your touch
And give you all my love
But you took my love for granted
Want my lovin' now
But you can't have it
God send me an angel
From the heavens above
Send me an angel to heal my broken heart
From being in love
'Cause all I do is cry
God send me an angel
To wipe the tears from my eyes
Oh God, send me (God send me an angel)
An angel (wipe the tears from my eyes) Oh baby
Send me an angel from the heavens above
Send me an angel (God send me an angel)
From being in love (send me an angel)
Oh God, send me an angel
Send me an angel (send me an angel)
My Story
My Story
My Story
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A Story

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