Thanks, I know I'll get back on it soon. My state totally screwed up everyone's unemployment this week though so other than that 'sall good.
Oh that's rough! You got little ones too right? I hope it's just for a short time... mind if I ask what kind of work you do that takes you away from home like that?
Livin' the dream, huh? Guess that works. I can relate to alright, ha. One day at a time right?
Just wild to think about how long we've been on here, and now we're talking spouses and kids and all that. It's been what, like 15 years?? Crazy. I feel old. rofl
Ahhhh, I see. I also play LoL from time to time.
I really hope he does come back soon! Maybe he will sense that we are calling for him. xd
(check your email)
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Oh that's rough! You got little ones too right? I hope it's just for a short time... mind if I ask what kind of work you do that takes you away from home like that?
Always good to see you here, man. You been alright?
Just wild to think about how long we've been on here, and now we're talking spouses and kids and all that. It's been what, like 15 years?? Crazy. I feel old. rofl
How are you?! I pop in on FB occasionally - you got a good looking family!
I still pop in on occasion... You too?!
I really hope he does come back soon! Maybe he will sense that we are calling for him. xd
(check your email)