About me
I have 6 BBF'S, and somehow they put up with me. Apparantly, my friends say I'm a a pshycopath (I am). I hate life, school sucks, and my love life is tough. Also, I love all animals, and hope to become a vet. ;3. Im also a little emo BUT LOOK AT THE DAM SIGN NEXT TO ME AVATAR BITCHES!!!Its just a dam emotion...So dont go ranting on about emoes. Alright!got it?! See i love life but at the same time i hate it.My best friend is ASIN!!!Got a problem w/ asins than leave damit!
so on to me...i love animals, music, friends. family and all that crap. And just to let u know...if anyone hurts my friends I WILL do everything on the signs plus hunting u down...And im also a major tomboy!!! i love football i love mudd i love sports and i love being active!My friends also call me a monkye cause i climb EVERYTHING!if i could climb it i will...and i dont mind getting hurt or falling i thinks its fun. I am a girl and i hang out w/ mostly guys. i have a total of 6 friends that are girls and...lets say 20 guy friends, maby more, dont feel like counting.but lets just say im like a play toy to the guys...
yes my love life is hard...lets just say i'v liked this guy for 4 years...i'v tired 2 tell him i like him but i always blush and say never mind and runaway... and now i have no idea about my feelings...i think i like this guy but my BFF likes him to...but i dont no if i like him and the other guy :/...no im not a player im just in that stage...i use to b a Pokemon geek and whatev but than they got rid of misty and that ended my pokemon stage...the first season(with all of the first pokemon) is the besat and nothing can beat it...now the new Ash just wants to battle and not catch ALL of the pokemon... i also am very childish and i try to make everything fun...o and i also love hurting ppl...i dont care if they hit me back nothing really hurts me anymore.i just love it when ppl underestimate me and i give it my best and their so suprized that a GIRL can punch so hard... o and if u diss my friends...u'll regret it... ;3last but not lease.. look at my playlist 4 meh music im to lazy to list -__-...I AM WHO I AM SO DONT TRY TO CHANGE ME!
so yeah if u dont like me than LEAVE!!! ;3 o and also scroll that was -->>