
My name DeerDance21and I live in a quiet little county. It's never too boring but, i'm sure you get the picture. My favorite color is crystal white and my favorite number is 21.5. I try to open up to people but that never seems to be very often. I usually just go for listening to music or reading Harry Potter.
I like to speak my mind and i'm not too much of an outgoing soul.

Whenever we have gym, i give up in that class; too much work for me. I met my boyfriend there though. He's just like me! And I've been with him for longer than a year! My favorite subject is... actually, i don't really have one right now.

I love any kind of rock music. Hardcore, Alternative, Screamo; Love it. I like a bunch of other random music too. I'm also a tree hugger, hippie, and a don't-hurt-the-animal kind of person. It's just a natural thing to me. Nature is beautiful, so leave it alone. I call people cow haters and stuff like that. I'm not a vegetarian, but only for medical conditions.

I love any kind of animal! They're so adorable to me! Squirrels, Llamas, Buffalo, Ducks, Pumas, Giraffes, Kangaroos, Wombats, Penguins, Echidnas; I love 'em all! So, that's all i can think of off the top of my head. Thnx! -_- (zzzz....)

I am currently questing Green, purple, white, and gold ink.
(Wow, that's a lot)
AND, anything that can help me get art.
If I give you inspiration, please draw meh! >.<

I drew this! You know it's awesomelysupersensationalistic!
"Thou art kind. And thy kindness maketh me blush." <3
Donate Green and Gold inkies please! You'll be loved always!
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