
deathangelle's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/15


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There's nothing much to know about me and nothing I'd really share willingly wink My fave music is rock as you can tell from the music on the side. Fav books fictions, romance, horror got any books you think i might like tell me i'll look for it. Fav color black, red, silver, sometimes white fave movies are comedies, horror, gore, action musicals [grew up on them] not really a romance movie person enjoy laughing at them. Fave video games God of war III, Mario kart, Gears of war III, Batman Arkham City sometimes, Halo 3 depending on my mood, rockband. I like to sing, dance, swim and draw.

Lets see what else can I say......I love writing erotica's are my best things to write and if your a perverted little boy. NO I'm NOT Sending you ONE!!!! but if you happen to be on my buddy list and want something I don't mind just ask. That goes for girls too wink and would simple flatter me if you ask.

*tap lip* I believe that's all i'm willing to say, got any questions just go to the little button that says 'send pm.' I might pm you back if I like what you got to say if I don't be prepared to get ignored and yes I believe I went on a rant and glad to have done it.


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Le's Plot

My rp characters for my guild also some short fiction maybe some peoms... hmm it might happen.


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Super_Tiny_tina3 Report | 05/15/2015 12:53 pm
Hi, wanna rp?
LittleBoxLynn Report | 05/05/2014 3:06 pm
Thank you love!! emotion_bigheart
LittleBoxLynn Report | 03/08/2014 6:23 pm
I believe so -______-'
LittleBoxLynn Report | 02/05/2014 10:53 am
Me too! I am a Dean girl for sure!! I have a 1x1 going with a guy in the forums now but I would be happy to do another one with you if you are interested! ^__^
magado1 Report | 09/29/2013 11:41 am
you dont? lol jk
magado1 Report | 09/27/2013 11:24 pm
i'll be 19...god imma have wrinkles soon. jk
magado1 Report | 09/27/2013 7:33 pm
XD Thanks! all old now n stuff
LittleBoxLynn Report | 05/13/2013 1:19 pm
Thank you! You too!!
FaeAzura Report | 03/02/2013 3:54 pm
I saw. I've posted as well ^_^
FaeAzura Report | 03/02/2013 2:22 pm
Well at least it's not in a cast anymore. Don't worry, it'll regain its old strength in no time at all!


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Join Scelus The Dome city[/align:94895a8392]


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