then yea u have been scammed i bet that was pretty easy for that person 2 scam u
y dont u look the name up on community? if the person changes the name u would no wat the update name is
ok heres wat u need 2 do
1 put yur mouse over my gaia
2 click on mail
3 find a little envelope and notice theres a little down arrow form it put yur hand over that
4 click sent
5 look for the person (username) that sent u the pm
does it say npc in the front?
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y dont u look the name up on community? if the person changes the name u would no wat the update name is
1 put yur mouse over my gaia
2 click on mail
3 find a little envelope and notice theres a little down arrow form it put yur hand over that
4 click sent
5 look for the person (username) that sent u the pm
does it say npc in the front?