I like music , movies, books, youtube, TV shows, drawing, writing stories, winning contests, and having fun!!!!
SPEED is my favorite card game and as you could already tell Im a very random person. I like playing videogames, im a PS3 fanatic. GO PLAYSTATION!!!!!! Im obssesed for some reason with skins
exclaim question Did I mention I like to read. Oh, I dont have ADHD. I have cousins that crazy, funny, and for some reason good at drawing and sports!!!!
ninja ninja NINJA!!!!! Im from EL Salvarado
razz razz razz I have friends from all over the wrld and by that I mean black, white, and asian ( havent met an indian) I think sports are cool, specifically basketball, but Im not obssesed with them.
neutral neutral .................. I guess thats all I can say
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