:]] heyyz. welcome to my pagee. let's make this short.
hmm... i like alot of thingss. sing, read, write, eat, sleep, and yeahh. ^^ dont judge mee. i have my own personality. :] i lovee anime. XD im a hello kitty freakk. drama, drama, drama. i love em'
biggrin im in the 8th grade. short azn girll. i lovee to smile and make other ppl smilee. i have alot of bestiess. xD
im a christian. and i live my life for Jesus. and Him only. :]
[[live, love, laugh]] <----- 3 words i live by. :]
alrighty. enough said. enjoyyy my page. have funn. ;] wanna be friends? just add or msg me. XD [p.s] i dont bite.
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