Dax q

Dax q's avatar

Birthday: 12/18


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Probably one of the most annoying and saddest excuse for a living being you will ever meet.


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My life, art, and random things...

Things about my life, art I've gotten of my avatar over time with my constant avatar changes, and other random things I decided to put here.



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JustBiMe Report | 03/21/2013 8:29 pm
im on btw *hugz* answering PM atm
JustBiMe Report | 03/21/2013 5:19 pm
* hugglez* mind if we talk about it on PM? And let me start by saying, every life has it's worth. I am in so much pain nowadays too, I miss my love, I miss my darling, and I don't know how much longer I can hold on.
JustBiMe Report | 12/18/2012 5:25 am
A very happy birthday to you my dearest! *hugz* May it be filled with much celebration and happiness.
JustBiMe Report | 09/18/2012 10:52 am
Koolio! *hugz* Keep us posted, I know that at least I would love to see a picture of you smiling in the near future. Much love
JustBiMe Report | 09/14/2012 9:36 pm
Hope is a fragile thing, but it is ever so sweet, to have, to hold dear. I am genuinely happy for you dear. smile
Ratrii Report | 08/07/2012 3:04 pm
into the night when i sleep i wonder how all are doing without me and hope all is well
Shiver` Report | 07/21/2012 1:33 pm
Yay! I hope you do come by the shop, even though I'm no longer there. xd
I need to stop by again some time myself.
Shiver` Report | 07/14/2012 9:31 am
Yeah I'm still in the shop, though not as active since I've got a promotion.

*hugs ya*
Aw sorry to hear that things have not been going so well for you. :C Hopefully everything can be forgiven and forgotten. Hang in there girl~

"“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.”" - Conrod Hilton
Shiver` Report | 07/13/2012 2:38 pm
Hey Dax! Thanks for the birthday wishes...would you like a slice of week old cake? surprised

Anyways how you been doing?
Ratrii Report | 06/18/2012 2:15 pm
<.< u will take that back now
seriously am i not allowed to joke with u



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in darkness we fall, our hands reach all, alive with the pain, our blood will then rain

Death sounds like an exciting journey.

forever alone.... who would ever want me?

why is it so dark?

it's written in blood all over the page

in darkness we fall, our hands reach all, alive with the pain, our blood will then rain

in darkness we fall, our hands reach all, alive with the pain, our blood will then rain

forever alone

i will die alone

doesn't matter,
I'm dead anyway.

Previously, "Dax q" "Pumkiin x" "Ai Bang Mai Ni" and "Tie-dyedPanda"