Dat Bunneh-kins

Dat Bunneh-kins's avatar

Birthday: 08/23

I want dis okay?

Recent Creepers

Xrinh on 11/08/2023
KozuHiroxD on 07/01/2023
HoneyBunny1986 on 02/15/2022
Zyqi on 02/09/2022
Ebonifyre on 06/28/2020
Ms Kanami on 05/19/2020
steel-dinosaur on 12/31/2019
Tabbi Zombie Bean on 12/24/2019

Received Artsu

Recent art that i've gotten from a few users. Thanks again, you guys are the best 4laugh

aBADcold drew this for me.
User Image

This one is AkaiRingo's work
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This is by NaziPunksFvckOff:
User Image

The following masterpieces are by steel-dinosaur
User Image

User Image



You must be lost if you ended up here. Retired Gaian, only logging in to check in every now and again. Shoot me a PM if you wanna add me on discord or something.

My friend requests are currently turned off.

I like to donate a lot when i'm not dirt poor~ Not to beggars tho.


View All Comments

KozuHiroxD Report | 07/01/2023 10:01 pm
dont know why but you seem awfully familiar emotion_skull anyways hi and felt like just checking up on you emotion_brofist
amorremanet Report | 03/19/2022 1:57 pm
Love your avi! heart
steel-dinosaur Report | 01/14/2020 7:20 am
I just realized that it was probably a capitalization thing. .-. I too am dumb lol.
That's not a problem, take your time. c:
steel-dinosaur Report | 01/10/2020 11:13 pm
Whoops, sorry about that. It should be Steelie #6086 now. smile
That's true, but I'm like a caveman when dealing with technology. emotion_0A0
steel-dinosaur Report | 01/04/2020 11:57 am
Yeah, other than a few minor things, it still looks like the same ol gaia from years ago.
I do have a discord, but I rarely use it so I feel like an old lady on it haha. My tag should be ˶⍤⃝˶ #6086 , but I can change it if special characters are wonky c:
steel-dinosaur Report | 01/02/2020 3:39 pm
It has been a while. Gaia's been collecting dust it looks like. o-o
I hope you've been well too. 😊
steel-dinosaur Report | 12/31/2019 10:12 pm
Hello~ Happy New Years!
Squishy Rose Report | 12/22/2019 11:48 am
Squishy Rose
I totally forgot! But your avi is a good refresher XD thank you for getting back to me.
Squishy Rose Report | 11/14/2019 6:13 pm
Squishy Rose
Hey! I love your avi! Can you tell me the name of your wings?
steel-dinosaur Report | 03/17/2017 7:42 pm
The AC is kinda wonky, besides, the electricity bill shot up and we don't know why. ;0;
Thank you! I haven't done any actual adulting so far though. The closest I've been is passing the writing test lol.
RIP all those who were alleged doxxers. They most likely didn't deserve it.
*is tainted* Maybe I should add the lusty skin while I'm at it. :B