Hi Ladies and gentlemen! ::puts on her Shuichi cosplay outfit:: Ok here's some details about me: I like Yaoi,....scratch that I love yaoi but in general i like any anime that is introduced to me, as long as the plot is good. I like anything of the asian, native american, and hawaiian culture. Mostly I like the Japanese culture, cuz it has so many cool things. I am partially bisexual, I'm more into guys though.....Anyway, I love wolves and any animal in general....except sharks, cuz i was bitten by one....
My favorite animes and Mangas are: Gravitation, Black Cat, Saiyuki, Fullmoon, Sailor Moon((lame I know, but you can't beat the classics)), Fushigi Yuugi, Absolute Boyfriend, Nana, Escaflone, Alice 19th, DNAngel, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Naruto, Death Note, and alot of others I can't really think of at the moment. My favorite books are: In the Forests of The Night, Demon in My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator, Tuck Everlasting, Twilight, and other books with vampire, guys ect. BTW I also love Phantom of the Opera, Underworld, Practical Magic, and the Covenant.
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