My name is Maribel, feel free to mesage me. I enjoy meeting new people and engaging in whimsical conversation. I haven't been logging in to gaia as much as I did in previous years but I'm trying to catch up sweatdrop
I haven't changed my profile theme in four years, it's cute. I like it this way and I really don't feel like browsing for a new theme at the moment.
I love sweets and cakes, and pasta.. Oh pasta! It's a wonder I haven't gotten fat heh.. yum_icecreampie yum_puddi yum_donut yum_cupcake
I'm a coffee and tea drinker... Horrible, I know. >> yum_tea
I enjoy junk food and asian cuisine.. yum_tuna yum_tamago yum_shrimp yum_salmon yum_bacon yum_hotdog yum_burger yum_pizza
I don't like sausage on my pizza yum_sausage stare
But oh how I love bacon,ham and pinnaple on pizza! heart
Yeah that's all for now gaia_kittenstar
Here are some cute bunnies. Enjoy.
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