if it got to that point I would do that and ask my aunt to help me with a restraining order since she works at the jail, though so far he hasn't shown up since then and that was maybe... a month ago? almost two months I'm not sure but hey I aint complaining! heehee oh! I also found a kitten in my building
I asked my manager to get this guy that's been bothering me for 7 months to leave me alone, believe me this guy was creepy as hell, he flirts with everyone at the store no matter if they're married, dating or what, he thought I'd give him a chance even though I told him I'd prefer a guy taller (because he was a little shorter then me) and closer to my age (he was 6 years older than me and I draw the line at 4) and he still kept bugging me to go out with him to the point of following me around the dining room at work or walking outside to greet me when I lock up my bike before I go inside to relax, hell I've been AFRAID to go to work thinking I'd see him
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