Dalin Rade

Dalin Rade's avatar

Last Login: 06/28/2015 8:12 am

Registered: 10/02/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/27/1992

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Total Posts: 1691

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QUESTING: 13OK////fall of the evening star



 My name is Dylan, and I am 21 years old. I currently reside in Utah, USA. I am single and a dork who enjoys gaming (yes, I am a dork; get over it.) I'm also into horror; a personal favorite is A Nightmare on Elm Street, the original and it's sequels. Freddy K is not Freddy K without Robert Englund. However I also enjoy anime which I have several favorites feel free to ask what they are (I'm a little obsessive if they're Tenchi related) I love anime and manga. If you'd like to know about my gaming and whatnot feel free to ask. Although I'm not planning on making my 'about me' long, so if you would like to know more about me feel free to send a message my way.

most recent first and second.

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I have some amazing friends and I'd like to dedicate a little space for them.
Samantha; you're an amazing girl and you've always been there for me no matter what.
Cody; Cody is my amazing little buddy, but cut your hair please? I love you bro.
Tom; Tom is my best friend in general. He's been there my whole life and we're inseparable.


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Aliyah_Sweet Report | 02/27/2014 2:55 am
Love your profile music and you look really cute too. redface
Baka bran Report | 09/09/2013 11:57 pm
I love you redface
scarana Report | 07/27/2013 11:29 pm
Don't know if you remember me but its me Dana. sweatdrop
You might be ignoring me but I'm sorry. I've grown and matured now. I'd like to be your friend if thats okay.
Mosqueeches Report | 07/14/2013 11:29 pm
Hi remember me? posting to say Hi. biggrin
fenslyy Report | 07/10/2013 12:35 am
Glitched Cannibal Report | 07/05/2013 6:12 am
Hello sir ^_^
I am commenting as a fairly simple reminded that as part of the dark legion
You are required to be active (We appreciate it since we love to keep our guild alive)
Now, I wish no offense or any harm.
Look around if you wish- or post something new to start a new conversation<3
Just as long as you keep your post organized (or rather in the right area they belong)
There won't be any quarrels <3
Thank you for being part of our growing legion <3
princess_mystical_jeanie Report | 06/30/2013 8:04 pm
Dylan, I am waiting for you in towns. 001023 barton 3..
Oh hells naw Report | 06/14/2013 6:42 pm
I just listened to it... 5 times..
Oh hells naw Report | 06/14/2013 6:42 pm
Interesting song on your profile..
Dafee Report | 05/27/2013 3:54 am